How Many Years Does Shani Dhaiya And Sade Sati Last

How Many Years Does Shani Dhaiya And Sade Sati Last?

In Hinduism, Shani Dev is known as the divine force of equity. It is believed that Shani Dev gives results to a person according to his deeds. Shani Dev leaves his influence while roaming in the zodiac signs. This is known as Shani Ki Dhaiya and Sade Sati. The impact of Shani Dev remaining in any zodiac sign is called Sade Sati and Dhaiya. The zodiac sign on which Shani Dev affects for seven and a half years is called Sade Sati and the effect of Shani Ki Dhaiya lasts for two and a half years on a person. Have some familiarity with the impact of Shani Ki Sade Sati and Dhaiya.

What is Sade Sati?

At the point when Shani Dev transits in the twelfth house or zodiac sign or stays in the second place of any zodiac sign, then, at that point, the impact of Shani’s Sade Sati begins that zodiac sign. Allow us to let you know that the impact of Sade Sati is of three stages, this whole time is separated into three periods of over two years each. In this manner, the all-out span of Sade Sati is seven and a half years.

Sade Sati is a significant period of Saturn’s transit. Sade Sati occurs during the transit of Saturn when it transits a zodiac sign. During this period, Saturn influences your birth sign, the next sign, and the twelfth sign. It lasts for about 7.5 years and occurs at least twice in every person’s life. 

During this period, you may face challenges in life, but it can also be an opportunity for your personal and spiritual growth. The second phase of Saturn Sade Sati is the most painful when Saturn moves from the twelfth house to the first or original lunar house. This phase can lead to monetary problems or heavy debts. To avoid this, donate things related to Saturn on Saturdays such as black shoes, leather slippers, salt, utensils, black urad dal, black clothes, mustard oil, iron and jaggery, etc.

What is Shani Dhaiya?

When Saturn sits in the fourth or eighth house from the birth sign during transit, it is called the effect of Shani Dhaiyya. The complete term of Shani Dhaiyya is more than two years. Let us tell you that it is generally said that both Shani’s Sade Sati and Dhaiyya are inauspicious and painful. But this is not so. Whenever seen, the place of Saturn in the horoscope shows the favorable and unpropitious impacts of Sade Sati and Dhaiyya.

What Should A Person Do In The Meantime?

Since Shani Dev gives results according to karma, a person can reduce the inauspicious effects of Shani’s Dhaiyya and Sade Sati by doing some special work. Shani Stotra ought to be recounted each Saturday night. This decreases the issues of Dhaiyya and Sade Sati. Shani Dev ought to be loved on Saturday. By giving dark urad, dark garments, mustard oil, iron, jaggery, and so on Saturday, Shani Dev is satisfied and his endowments are gotten.