The main door of any house plays an important role in happiness and prosperity because all…
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Seeing a Turtle on the Way or in a Pond
Everyone searches for good times in his life so that his sleeping fortune awakens. May there…
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Cloth for Pooja Room
Colors have been given great importance in Hinduism. Special emphasis is given to the selection of…
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Why Should the Bathroom Always Be Away from the Kitchen?
Vastu Shastra works on the principle of positive energy and negative energy. In this Shastra, many…
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Which Direction Should You Face While Praying?
People of the Hindu religion have been worshipping gods and goddesses since ancient times. Worshiping increases…
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What Happens By Using Broken Things?
You must have noticed that often, despite not wanting to, some such things get collected in…
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What Does It Mean If A Mirror Breaks Suddenly?
Breaking of glass is a common occurrence but according to beliefs, some people consider it auspicious…
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Washing Feet And Hands After Returning From The Temple
Puja has special importance in Sanatan Dharma. It is said that if Puja-Paath is done according…
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Should Pictures Of Gods And Goddesses Be Donated Or Not?
In Hinduism, donating is considered a very pious act. Donating not only brings blessings from God…
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Is Ganga Water Pure?
It is a matter of thought that why the water of Ganga is not contaminated by…
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In Which Direction Should One Stand and Take a Bath?
Just like astrology, Vastu Shastra also gives special importance to the bathroom. It is said that…
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Ganesha Trunk Should Be on Which Side
Lord Ganesha is the first worshiped deity in Hinduism. Lord Ganesha is worshiped before starting any…
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