Saturn or ‘Shani Dev’ is the most powerful and important planet among the ‘Navgrahas’. He acts as the judge of the deeds done by humans and gives results accordingly. Saturn is considered a cruel planet and most people are afraid of coming under the evil influence of Shani Dev. But, this is not the right way. Saturn gives results of actions of the Ascendant only. Even if he punishes someone for any wrongdoing, it is only to punish and purify the ascendant.
5 Favorite Zodiac Signs of Shani Dev
The lord of Taurus sign is Venus and Venus and Saturn are good planets. Thus, Saturn generally favors the locals of this ascendant and gives positive outcomes. With the dasha of Venus and the grace of Lord Shani, the ascendant gets maximum success, prosperity, fame, spirituality, and bliss.
Libra is one of the enhanced indications of Saturn and Saturn is dependably in praised state in Libra. Libra natives receive special grace and blessings from Lord Shani. The good deeds done by these ascendants and their kindness to animals and the needy bring them immense success, wealth, fame, and happiness. The planet Saturn helps them to touch great heights.
Cancer natives are blessed by the planet Saturn and have less troubles with it. Cancer ascendant locals get colossal achievement, regard, and abundance in imaginative fields like craftsmanship, composing, news-casting, and government occupations. Saturn is available in the second, fifth, 10th, and twelfth places of Jupiter. Cancerians for the most part back and care for their family and gatekeepers. These qualities bring them immense success and happiness. They are protected from the harmful effects of Saturn’s Sadesati, Dhaiyya, Antardasha, or Mahadasha.
Saturn is the master of Capricorn and consequently, it is one of the most regarded zodiac signs by Shani. The adverse effects of Saturn on Capricorn natives are minimal, even if they are going through the phase of Saturn’s Sade Sati or Dhaiyya. Capricorn natives have strong reasoning and leadership qualities and with the grace of Saturn, the ascendant natives progress in their workplace, business, or politics.
Being the master of Aquarius, Saturn generally showers his gifts and beauty to individuals of Aquarius ascendant. Due to the grace of Shani Dev, Aquarius, people rarely experience a lack of wealth and fame. Aquarius people are honest and decent and if the ascendant is on the right track, they get success, fame, love, and respect greater than average hard work. They also get affection and support from the opposite sex.