Shravan (Sawan) month is best for chanting, and meditation. But Monday has special importance in it. Monday (Somawar) is the moon day and Lord Mahadev is the controller of the moon. Therefore, by worshiping on this day, one gets the blessings of not only the moon but also Lord Shiva. Be it medical conditions, deterrents in marriage, or neediness, venerating Mahadev on the Monday of Sawan can dispose of every significant emergency. Because of the association between Monday and Lord Shiva, Mother Parvati kept a quick of sixteen Mondays.
The main piece of the love of Ruler Shiva is Abhishek. On the event of Mahashivratri, every one of the fans likewise performs Jalabhishek on Shivling by filling water from the Ganges stream. Certain individuals bless Master Shiva with milk, and honey, while certain individuals additionally bless Ruler Shiva with sugarcane juice. Today we are going to tell you what you should do to anoint Lord Shiva according to your zodiac sign.
What Should Be Offered To Shivling According To Your Zodiac Sign?
Admirers of Aries should favor Lord Shiva with honey and sugarcane juice. Offer blossoms to Lord Shiva. This will eliminate deterrents to well-being and business.
Aficionados of Taurus ought to bless Ruler Shiva with milk and curd. This will bless you with prosperity and a happy married life.
People of Gemini should offer Durva to Lord Shiva on the day of Mahashivratri. This can solve problems related to careers and children.
Moon is the lord of Cancer, individuals of this zodiac ought to bless Ruler Shiva with milk and honey upon the arrival of Mahashivratri. Health problems and accidents will be avoided.
People of the Leo zodiac should anoint Lord Shiva with honey and sugarcane juice on the day of Shivratri. Prosperity will be achieved and childbirth will be easy.
People born under the Virgo zodiac sign must perform the Abhishek of Lord Shiva with Durva and curd. Stress can be diminished. Strength can come throughout everyday life.
The individual of this zodiac sign should offer milk and curd to Lord Shiva on Shivratri. Obstacles in marriage and jobs can be removed.
Individuals of this zodiac ought to venerate Lord Shiva with sugarcane squeeze honey, and milk. You will keep away from questions, claims, and stress.
Individuals of Sagittarius ought to incline toward Master Shiva with milk and honey. Light a ghee light before Lord Shiva and perform aarti. You will find success in each work. There will be no deterrent.
Individuals of your zodiac ought to bless Ruler Shiva by blending jaggery in Ganga water. Issues connected with youngsters and marriage will move along.
Aquarius people should please Lord Shiva with curd. This will give mental peace and anger can be controlled.
Individuals of this zodiac sign ought to bless Lord Shiva with milk, honey, and sugarcane juice. Health can remain good. There can be no shortage of money.