Akshaya Tritiya is celebrated every year on Shukla Paksha of Vaishakha month. This year Akshaya Tritiya will be celebrated on 30th April 2025, Wednesday. The festival of Akshaya Tritiya is considered very auspicious for auspicious works and buying gold on this day. Along with shopping, doing charity is also considered very important on this day. Akshaya Tritiya will be very beneficial and auspicious for these 4 zodiac signs.
Akshaya Tritiya 2025 Date
Akshaya Tritiya Date – 30 April 2025
Akshaya Tritiya Auspicious For These 4 Zodiac Signs
Let us know for which zodiac signs this yoga is going to be auspicious on Akshaya Tritiya.
Akshaya Tritiya is going to be beneficial for Aries people. There will be job progress, you may get new responsibilities, and there are also strong chances of an increase in income. The auspicious combination of planets will increase your prestige. People of the Aries zodiac sign should donate on the day of Akshaya Tritiya, by doing this you will make progress in life. This will give you never-ending benefits. You will get money and gold. Aries people will get respect in society. There are also possibilities of promotion in the job. There are chances of promotion.
Those people of the Taurus sign who are especially associated with art will benefit. The long-standing financial and mental problems of the people of this zodiac sign will be resolved. Material pleasures will be attained. Rajyoga is being formed in the horoscope which will give wealth, position, prestige, and everything to these people. People with the Taurus zodiac sign will be happy with their work in the workplace. Apart from this, the bank balance will also increase. Buying silver will be beneficial for you. People with the Taurus zodiac sign will have special blessings from Goddess Lakshmi.
People of Cancer zodiac sign will get wealth and prosperity on Akshaya Tritiya. Cancer people will benefit a lot. Some big achievements can be achieved. If you want to start a new business then this day will be auspicious. You will be successful in expanding your business. Diamond will be especially beneficial for you. Buying gold and silver on the day of Akshaya Tritiya will give very auspicious results for people of the Cancer zodiac sign. There may also be financial benefits.
This day will give very auspicious results to the people of Leo’s zodiac sign. In this zodiac, the Sun is transiting in the fifth house. In such a situation, the day of Akshaya Tritiya is going to be very special for the people of this zodiac sign. Long pending work can start once again. There will be progress along with economic benefits. With the blessings of Gods and Goddesses, you will get success in every field and have a good time with your family.