Prime Minister Narendra Modi has invited special guests to the Independence Day 2025 celebrations. These special guests are 150 women Sarpanch. They have done an excellent job in successfully implementing government schemes. According to the news, they have been invited to attend the Independence Day celebrations. All these women Sarpanch have been selected from the ‘achievers’ included in the list of ‘Prime Minister Public Administration Excellence Award’. These Sarpanch, selected from Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Meghalaya and Uttar Pradesh, have shown extraordinary performance and innovation in implementing government schemes.
Speaking about the initiative, a senior official said, “The decision to invite 150 women sarpanches is a two-pronged initiative of the government.” He said, “It underlines the government’s commitment to promote and recognize political leadership at the panchayat level.” He further said, “Its aim is to actively encourage women to participate in politics and administration in rural areas, whether as a sarpanch or as a panchayat member. This decision is in line with the Modi government’s broader campaign to promote Nari Shakti.”
Empowering women leaders
The initiative also looks like an effort by the Modi government to launch a focused panchayat outreach initiative in the wake of its recent electoral defeat in over 50 rural Lok Sabha constituencies. By inviting women, the administration is reaffirming its commitment to grassroots leadership and its Nari Shakti Abhiyan. The effort not only recognises and acknowledges these leaders, but also seeks to rebuild and strengthen ties with the rural areas, with a renewed focus on empowering women and enhancing rural governance.
Government’s motive
“The initiative highlights the government’s dedication to empowering local governance and ensuring that essential services reach every corner of the country. But, it is also being seen as an outreach programme at the panchayat level. The government wants to groom and empower women leaders who join politics at the grassroots level and take part in rural administration,” said a senior official involved in the schemes.