In our religious scriptures and Puranas, some rules related to worship and daily routine have been told, which are considered necessary for every person to follow. From waking up in the morning to sleeping at night, some special rules have been told in the scriptures, following which not only bring happiness in our lives but also get the proper result of worship. Similarly, many important things have been told about looking in the mirror. If you do not take care of these things, then you may have to face many problems.
Should One Not Look Into The Mirror At Night?
According to Astrology, one should not look in the mirror before sleeping at night. It is also not considered good from the point of view of Vastu. It is believed that looking in the mirror before sleeping at night leads to bad dreams. Even if there is a mirror in your bedroom, cover it before sleeping at night so that the shadow of any family member is not seen in it while sleeping. There is also a belief that looking in the mirror at night casts a shadow on the face.
Do Not Look In The Mirror Even After Waking Up In The Morning
It is also said that one should not look at one’s face in the mirror as soon as one wakes up in the morning. It is believed that after waking up, there is laziness on your face and you are affected by negative energy. Therefore, looking at the face in the mirror increases this negative energy even more and your whole day does not go well.
Pay Special Attention To These Things
The mirror should never be kept right in front of the bed. This also sours the relationship between husband and wife.
When a mirror suddenly breaks, it means that a big trouble that had come to the house has been averted, so throw it out of the house without delay.
According to Vastu, the mirror should be placed in the north or east direction of the house. On the other hand, if the mirror is placed in the south or west direction of the house, then remove it immediately.
One should never look at the face in a broken mirror, it brings negative energy to the house.
One should never look in the mirror at night in solitude. Because at night the mirror has a different form. Along with showing your beauty, the mirror also indicates negative energy. Which is not good for you. If you look in the mirror at night, the wrong energy can affect you. It can dominate you, so be careful.
Vastu science says that instead of beautifying the face, the mirror sometimes spoils luck. Because many mistakes related to the mirror create obstacles in health and progress. So keep these things in mind.
Often we keep a mirror in our bedroom. Whereas a mirror should never be kept in the bedroom. If you want to keep it, then keep it in such a place where your face is not visible in it when you wake up in the morning. That is, the mirror should never be able to see your bed. Because it is considered very inauspicious. It is believed that the wrong energies coming from the mirror in front of the bed are watching you. In such a situation, she can dominate you and can also make you feel her presence on you.